Convert HEIC to JPG
Our online converter ensures high-quality results and supports batch processing. Try it now for a seamless conversion experience!
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HEIC stands for the (High-Efficiency Image Container), which is an encoded format of an image. If we compare it with the JPG image, it is approximately 50% smaller in file size because HEIC often exhibits better compression efficiency as compared to the JPG format.
The HEIC format was introduced with the launch of iOS 11 to efficiently store images on Apple devices, reducing storage space.
Let's suppose you have an image that is in a HEIC/HEIF format, and you want to send it to your friend, but the problem is that the image is not opening on your friend's mobile because HEIC is a scarce image format, which is not supported by the various devices and OS.
What is a HEIC to JPG converter?
In simple words, HEIC to JPG converter is an online tool to convert your High-Efficiency Image Container (HEIC) images into (Joint photographic expert group) JPG format with just one click.
How to convert HEIC to JPG?
To use this HEIC to JPG converter, you don’t need to learn rocket science. It is as easy as 2+2= 4. Follow the below steps
- Drag and drop or upload your HEIC image in the input box.
- Your Image will be immediately Converted.
- Download your converted JPG image from the output.
You see how easy it is to convert HEIC images to JPG format.
Features of this HEIC to JPG converter (100%) free
Let’s be concise because a day will go by while explaining the features of this HEIC to JPG converter. The most important ones are given below:
Easy to use:
Easy is not dull because easy can save you time and effort; this is why our tool is easy to use. You will get your image on your local storage in just two clicks.
Free to use:
With the limited advanced features, you can use this free HEIC to JPG converter unlimited times for free.
User-friendly interface:
No matter if you have less expertise in using an online tool, this HEIC to JPG converter has an elegant-looking and user-friendly interface that sets it apart from other tools.
Bulk Processing:
You can upload multiple HEIC images at a time and convert them into JPG format in bulk by using the magic of only two clicks.
High Quality Output:
Enjoy the high-quality, sharp, and vibrant JPG images in the output after converting them from HEIC format using our HEIC converter to jpg.
Data Privacy and Confidentiality:
We are conscious and strict about user data privacy. Your image will be immediately deleted from our server after conversion.
Compatible with all platforms:
You don’t need to install any software or extension to use this HEIC to JPG converter; it is compatible with all operating systems and devices.
Languages Supported by our HEIC to JPG converter
Our heic to jpg converter online breaks the language barrier by providing the feature of availability in multiple languages.
🇫🇷 French, 🇪🇸 Spanish, 🇮🇩 Indonesian
Applications of this HEIC to JPG converter online
You may want to use an online HEIC to JPG converter in various situations and conditions.
Problem while sending HEIC images:
You have an image shot from an iPhone camera, which you know is in HEIC format. Now, you want to send that image to your friend, but you cannot because your friend uses a device and OS that don’t support HEIC photos. In this case, you first need to convert your HEIC image into JPG and then send it to your friend, which is why you need our online HEIC to JPG converter.
Platforms that do not support HEIC Format:
Some platforms and websites on the internet don’t support the HEIC format, and you can’t upload the HEIC images on it, so to overcome this problem, you can use our tool first to convert your pictures into JPG and then upload them easily on that platform or website.
Non-supportive Image Editing Software:
You are using a photo editing software in which HEIC image format is not supported, so you need first to convert HEIC to JPG and then import it into that photo editing software.
Converting HEIC Images in Bulk:
You have the HEIC in large amounts, which needs to be converted into JPG, but you have no idea how to do it at once, so a HEIC to JPG converter will be a lifesaver and help you to convert HEIC to JPG in bulk.